Friday, February 27, 2015

Learning to rest

Journaling Bible page inspired by John 13:34-35;  love one another
John 13:34-35 inspired by Take Me Deeper
So, I have been deeply entrenched in Lent studies with She Reads Truth and Nurturing Joy, with Elizabeth Foss.  Life is, also, becoming more hectic by the minute.  Four children with interests, church groups, retreats and appointments take most of the time that's left.  Today the middle girl is sick and the youngest has been battling sleep.  Life doesn't stop for Mommy Time. 

Blogging is my way to commune with the other people who share my interests and to release the thoughts that clutter my mind.  So when life gets crazy, I have to prioritize on the fly.  That means that blogging takes a back seat. 

Oh, did I mention that I have also been (finally) painting and organizing our living room/toy room?!?  It's not like I am busy or anything.  In all honesty; I would rather be busy than bored. 

Journaling Bible page inspired by Joel 2:13 with stickers and hand lettering.
Joel 2:13 inspired by She Reads Truth Lent Study

Therefor, I will be showing you some of my past work in my Bible.  I am trying to stay up with my Take Me Deeper challenge while doing the Lent studies.  These pictures are from those studies and challenge.

You can see what I am doing during the quiet blogging periods on instagram.  My link is to the right.  Enjoy and I hope you are finding peace and rest during this Lenten season.

Journaling Bible art for Psalm 46:10 in stickers and paint of orange and blue.
Psalm 46:10 inspired by the Restore Study from Nurturing Joy

Journaling Bible art with a stencil, stickers, and scrapbook paper.
Micah 6:8 inspired by the Restore study from Nurturing Joy

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Sticker Bible

People have been sticking things in their Bibles since they were first bound in books.  At least I would think so.  I have known some mothers who put pictures throughout the pages of their Bibles.  I have placed printed verses in their perspective places.  Of course, there are bookmarks and ribbons. 

Our Bible covered in stickers and labeled for character traits.But, what about stickers?  Why couldn't we plaster our Bibles with stickers?  My children and I decorated a, less than beautiful, Bible a couple of years ago.  This is our verse finder Bible.  I marked dozens upon dozens of verses throughout this Bible for quick reference when we needed a little help with discipline or emotional needs or parenting or whatever life brings.  Some would gasp if they saw this Bible, but we love it.  We use it often and it sits out on the shelf for ready use.  It's not our every day reading or carry to church Bible.  We have plenty of those for each of the six members of the family.  At last count, we had at least 26 Bibles in our home.  That doesn't count the e-Bibles on our phones or tablets.

When a piece of scripture moves me; my first inclination is to write or make something to explain that thought or emotion.  Sometimes that involves paint or pens, but it may also include some premade craft items like stickers.  If it helps me to explain what I am feeling or sensing from the Holy Spirit, then I am all for it.  God created us.  He's in the business of creating things.

Ornament storage box used for journaling Bible sticker storage.

I like alphabet stickers, journaling stickers and premade faith stickers.  I am still experimenting with the print labels.  My printer is new and my learning curve is enormous.  Clear labels are great because you can still see through if the label happens to cover the print in your Bible.   Avery makes several different sizes and shapes of clear labels.  I have picked up some awesome faith stickers at Hobby Lobby and Michaels.  You can find something in most craft stores.  Create something beautiful in your Bible today.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Do you consider your doodles art?

I have not, personally,  run in to many negative thoughts concerning Bible journaling.  However, I have read some comments from other journalers who have run in to some adversity.  One mom even asked fellow facebook journalers if it would be okay to let her daughter create art in her Bible just like her mom.
There is no right or wrong way to worship our God is there?  We are told in Colossians 3:17, "whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus."   We all have different ways to enjoy our time with the Lord.  As a mom, I also have many different obstacles in my schedule that prevent me from having a structured time to be with God. 
There are three girls and one boy in my care.  As parents, one of our mains goals is to nurture their spiritual growth.  Including my kids in Bible journaling and creating art is so much fun.  My girls, especially, love to draw, paint, and color.  Sitting around our craft table working together is precious to me.  Not only are they learning to color code their Bibles, but also a few Scriptures.
Children's Bibles are illustrated.  Many classical pieces of art are Biblically based.  What would this world be without inspiration?!  We marvel at Michaelangelo's beautiful murals at the Sistine Chapel.  Maybe, one day, our children will marvel at the insightfully beautiful drawing we made in our Bibles.  Go ahead, color in your Bibles.