Sermon Sunday

Hebrews 12
With most of the men in Indianapolis watching football today, it was fitting that our pastor speak about winning, from the book of Hebrews.  A Vince Lombardi trophy isn't the only reward for winning.  Discipline may not seem like a reward, but it is a huge benefit to anyone who has been sculpted by its molding power.

"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful.  Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."  Hebrews 12: 11.  No pain, no gain. 

Every time I watch football I wonder why these men would want to run at each other, full force, and try to carry an oblong piece of pig skin that could get them crushed!  Then I see the bliss on their faces as they enjoy spiking that piece of pig skin in the end zone. Do I have that kind of bliss in mind while I run through all of life's muck and mess?  Most times not.

Practice & Discipline
While I parent my own children, they don't like it when I make them pick up their coats for the tenth time or take their tablet away for not picking their coat up for the tenth time.  Sometimes, the discipline I have to enforce feels uncomfortable to them and to me.  I wonder if God feels a little sad when He has to pull in the reigns on my behavior?

As parents, we slowly train our children to develop healthy habits and virtuous character traits.  Traits that can help them to develop responsibility, respect, and kindness.  At the same time I have to remember that my Heavenly Father is training me to be more like His design for me.  Being put through life's trials and relying on God to show me the way is something I feel unfolding each day. 

Run with Perseverance
God may not use a "switch" like my Mamaw did, but there are times that it feels like He whacked me with an emotional 2 by 4.  Like when I tried to get a little break from being mommy by having my tonsils voluntarily taken out and ended up with child number three! 

Through today's scripture I was reminded to let my "coach" show me the path and to listen, study, strengthen and practice to make sure I get life's playbook engrained in my mind. 

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